Friday, April 28, 2006

A Tribute To Poop Eaters

I have come to terms with the fact that Hilarious has ADD. All I have to do is get close to his fish bowl and he starts swimming around like a man on crack. So then I put my face right up to the bowl and give him kissies "Come give Momma kisses!!" and he will swim up to my hugely magnified face and open his mouth and close it. Ahhh, sweet dear Hilarious.

I cleaned his bowl for the first time today. I have an air filter in there so there is no need for me to do it once a week. More like once
every three weeks. So as I'm pouring new water into his tank there is a shit eruption going on in there. I thought it was left over food that had settled at the bottom. Oh no, my coworker, Chuck, informed me that it was his poopies floating around. This completely grossed me out. Suddenly Hilarious starts eating his flaky crap, it is then that I realize my fish is also retarded. So then I scold him "Hilarious, do not eat your poop! YUCKY!!" But there he goes bouncing around and eating his crap with the same open and close mouth that he gives me kisses with. Barf.


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