Friday, April 28, 2006

A Tribute To Tater April 26, 2006

For those of you who don't know, I have decided to quit smoking. My last cigarette was on Sunday, April 23. I bought a two week supply of nicotene patches yesterday and haven't needed to use one yet. I was able to start out at Step Two since I smoke less than ten cigarettes per day. I have decided to take my $14.00 two pack a week habit and start saving for the purchase of my home. I will take that $14.00 every week and put it in my Tanqeray tin. While making this decision I was thinking of other things I could cut out of my life and put that money in the tin as well. My next step will be to stop highlighting my hair. So all of you better enjoy my blonde highlights for the next two months because at my next touch up I'm going back to all natural. That will save me $120.00 every two months and I can put that in my tin as well. I have thought about my nails as well. I love my nails so much though. That would save $25.00 every two weeks. I have not come to terms with that yet. Oh, and if any of you leaves a suggestion of cutting out the bars from my social life, I could possibly kill you, so keep that in mind.

Tomorrow marks the the two month anniversary of Daniel dumping my ass. Again, some of you may already know this, but I took a huge subconscious step last night towards moving the hell on. I had another one of my dreams about Daniel, except for in this dream it wasn't Daniel and I together and happy. It was Daniel apologizing for making the choice he did and me accepting that apology but not taking him back. I basically told him to go lay in the bed he had made for himself because I am not a ping pong and I will not bounce back to someone who did not step up and walk the hard road with me. No hard feelings towards Daniel, I know he did what he felt he had to do for the sake of his child. But in doing that, he lost me. I wish Daniel AND Aiden the best and I really hope things start going better for them.

I have been hanging out with my married and "in a serious relationship" gals a lot lately. I must say, I've never been a chick to hang out with other chicks, but I have found a few girls that are just like me and I'm loving it. Tomorrow we are having our (hopefully) first of many weekly "Twat Robber" dinners. I have named us that since I am continually stealing the girls from their significant others and setting up girls night.

Summer school is starting soon and your Tater is enrolled. I am taking three classes for summer semester and really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. I will still be up for some Alaskan camping and partying though, the summers here make the shitty winter worth it!!


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