Is in the hands of the Lord.
I've come to realize that I talk:
Without thinking at times.
I've come to realize that, I love:
The feeling of accomplishment and making myself proud.
I've come to realize that, I have:
More than I've ever wanted and all that I'll ever need.
I've come to realize that, I lost :
My brother and he's never coming back and it's okay for it to hurt.
I've come to realize that, I hate it when:
I HATE because it is a wasted emotion.
I've come to realize that, Marriage is:
Sacred and not something to be taken lightly.
I've come to realize that, Somewhere, someone is thinking:
They're all alone in this world...and they're not.
I've come to realize that, I'll always be:
Willing to better myself.
I've come to realize that, I have a crush on:
My new niece, Jolie Ruth Martin.
I've come to realize that, The last time I cried was:
Last Sunday when I let down Daniel and myself.
I've come to realize that, My cell phone is:
Not a very good alarm clock. It quit going off this morning.
I've come to realize that, When I wake up in the morning:
I really have to pee but I don't want to get out of my warm and cuddly bed.
I've come to realize that, Before I go to sleep at night I:
Always kiss Daniel and tell him I love him more than anything in the world.
I've come to realize that, Right now I am thinking about:
How good my life is and how happy I am.
I've come to realize that, Babies are:
A gift from God.
I've come to realize that, Today I:
Don't mind being at work so much.20.
I've come to realize that, Tonight I will:
Help the boys at Street Sounds and help myself at the gym.
I've come to realize that, Tomorrow I will:
Be one day closer to our trip to Hawaii!
I've come to realize that, I really want to:
Have children and get married.
I've come to realize that, my favorite thing at the moment:
I've come to realize that, the best moment of the day:
Is when I see Daniel after we're both done with work.
I've come to realize that, school:
Something I need to finish although I despise it.
I've come to realize that, ten years from now:
I will be reminiscing about who I was today.
I've come to realize that, the world:
Is not something one person can change.
I've come to realize that, I cant force:
People to believe in what I believe in.
I've come to realize that, best friends:
Are the ones that will always be there and I have found out who those people are.
I've come to realize that:
I am a child of God and that is the only way to live.
Very Nice T. Beautifully written. Hey, did you make it to church Sun?
Thanks for your nice comments this morning.
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