Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"My father said being an artist was the shortest road to the poorhouse, claiming "real" work is something you don't like. I ignored him through oppositional behavior, later reasoning that only an idot sets out to find the poorhouse, not to mention devote himself to something he doesn't love. Instead, I discovered an interesting back road to the unknown, and deliberately without a safety net."
~Russel Chatham~painter, lithographer, author, publisher, and restaurateur.

This reminds me of my own father, although not in a negative way. I know that my father wanted us to seek out an education towards a job that would always provide for us. I admire people like Mr. Chatham who are able to make a great living doing what they love. I would love to be a freelance writer and be successful at it, but instead I'm majoring in accounting because it pays well and I'm good at it. Although, I am really thinking of pursuing an associates or even minoring in journalism, because writing is what I love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You definitely should, Tara. You know, you could always write on the side - a lot of people do it.

7:02 AM  

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