Friday, April 28, 2006

A Tribute To Daniel February 28, 2006

It's amazing the clarity that comes from three days of no food, binge drinking, and being heart broken. For the most part, I sit here and I feel sorry for myself. But if you know the Tater, you know it's time I slap the crap out of myself and say "Man up! This isn't the end of the world!" and I KNOW it isn't. It fucking sucks, that's for damn sure. No matter how crappy the situation is, I'm the kind of person to find something good to come out of it. I wanted to be "Tara and Daniel", I liked being "Tara and Daniel", but if it can only be "Tara's friend Daniel" I'll take it. I know when to hold them and I know when to fold them. It was just time for me to fold. Even though I was folding a great fucking hand, if you have nothing left to bet, it's time you take your sunglasses off, tell everyone "good game" and go to the bar and have yourself a little farewell drink. More like a little farewell six pack and a bottle of sparkling wine in my case, but hey I'm the Tater. ;) I want all my friends to know I appreciate the "he's an idiot", "it's his loss", and "what a fucking dick" comments, it's nice to know that I have so many kick ass people who have my back and who don't like seeing me hurt. Daniel is a great guy and I feel lucky to have gotten the chance to spend three kick ass months with him. It was fucking great dude. That's why it's so hard to let go and that's why I'm going to miss him so much. He was that cool and the selfish part of me doesn't want to let go, because I was having fun! But I know he has his shit he needs to deal with and I had to let him go. Maybe that's a cop out and maybe it all boils down to he just wasn't that into me, but either way I still had a great fucking time.

So for that, I salute you Daniel Ray Retherford and I hope we can once again have a kick ass time and by the way, you might have caught the fish, but I got off your line while you were smoking a cigarette and now I'm back in the fucking river. Catch and release, buddy. You better use a better lure next time. ;)


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